
Thomas F

11 ヶ月
Hello I’m Thomas! and I’m really excited to chat with you! I was born and raised in Indonesia, Currently, I’m attending a university in Tokyo, where I’m having some amazing experiences, I’m really open to talking about anything and everything under the sun. I’d love to hear about you daily life stories and your experience and thoughts too! Lets have a friendly and insightful conversation!
I want to learn more about other’s experience in life as I believe it would be insightful for me!
Thank you, Thomas!!
🍪 3日前
Thank you so much! Have a wonderful trip!!
🍪 3日前
Thank you for the great session!
🥨 3日前
Thank you, Thomas!!
🍪 6日前
Thank you, Thomas! I hope you will find a nice furniture :)
🍪 1ヶ月前
Thank you, Thomas!!
🥨 1ヶ月前
Thank you!
🥨 2ヶ月前
Thank you Thomas ❗️
🍹 2ヶ月前
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
🍭 2ヶ月前
Thank you!!
🥨 2ヶ月前
Thank you!!
🥨 2ヶ月前
Thank you so much! I enjoyed your session!
🥨 2ヶ月前
Thank you! It was fun time!
🥨 3ヶ月前
Thank you for facilitating I enjoyed it!!
🥨 3ヶ月前
Thank you so much. You’re a great facilitator
🥨 3ヶ月前
Thank you!
🍭 3ヶ月前
Thank you so much! Your facilitation was really helpful!!
🥨 4ヶ月前
Thanks a lot! I really enjoyed
🍭 4ヶ月前
Thank you!
🍭 4ヶ月前
Thank you!
🍭 4ヶ月前
Sorry, I might have forgotten to put away the coffee cup.🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️💐and your class was interesting, thank you
🍪 5ヶ月前
Thank you for remembering me! I really wanted to see you earlier.
🍭 5ヶ月前
Thank you Thomas
🍭 5ヶ月前
thank you!
🍭 5ヶ月前
Thank u for your hospitality!
🥨 6ヶ月前
I am happy to have met you for the first time and had a pleasant conversation with you! Thank you Thomas and everyone for a great time!
🥨 6ヶ月前
Thank you! Your session was really interesting!
🍭 8ヶ月前
I really enjoyed the session and those fun questions 😆 See you soon!
🍭 8ヶ月前
Thank you for good session! Hope to join your session again!
🍭 9ヶ月前
Thank you so much! See you soon!!
🍭 9ヶ月前
Thank you so much for your session today. I had a great time.
🥨 10ヶ月前
I really enjoyed your session! Thank you.
🥨 10ヶ月前