

Hey everyone! My name is Anthony, but you can call me Ant for short, and I’m from America. As for my hobbies, I enjoy photography, anime, food, and friends, but the world is so big and full of many things to do so I always keep an open mind!
Become a photographer in Tokyo! Live up to my potential! Eat famichiki!
Thank you, Ant!!
🥨 1ヶ月前
Thanks a lot. I enjoyed it!
🥨 2ヶ月前
Thanks (^-^)v
🥨 2ヶ月前
I enjoyed the session!!
🥨 2ヶ月前
Thank you! Your sessions that I joined for the first time and also second time was fun! I'm looking forward to join the next session!
❤️ 2ヶ月前
See you around!
❤️ 3ヶ月前
Your photos are really cool, thank you for the session.
🥨 4ヶ月前
It was fun, thank you
🥨 4ヶ月前
I had a blast at the Ant session, realizing communication is more than just words—it's about nonverbal cues too. Learning to listen deeply is key. hang in there for the weekend. THX!
🍭 4ヶ月前
I looked up some stuffed animals.Please take a look if yot'd like. May you find a gift that will delight the girl. see you! https://x.gd/hoBHH
🍭 4ヶ月前
thank you!
❤️ 5ヶ月前
thank you!!
🍭 5ヶ月前
Thank you for your session. We had a great time!!
🥨 5ヶ月前
Thank you for today! I really had a great time ❤️
🥨 5ヶ月前
it was great to see you again 😊
🥨 5ヶ月前
Thank you for session! I was first time so I was nervous but yours are very kind so I enjoyed it! I will take part in session again! Thank you ☺️
🍭 5ヶ月前
🍭 5ヶ月前
Nice talking to you!
🥨 6ヶ月前
thank you a lot! it was really enjoyable tm talk with you!
🍭 7ヶ月前
I’m looking forward to talking about GUNDAM with you next time.
🍹 8ヶ月前
Hi! Im your son.Thank you verymuch todays session.Im very enjoyed! Im looking forward to see you nexttime. Maiko
❤️ 8ヶ月前
Thank you for the today’s sessions!
🍭 8ヶ月前
thank you
🥨 9ヶ月前
Thanks for a fun and informative time today.
🍭 9ヶ月前
Thank you!
🍭 10ヶ月前
thank you
🥨 10ヶ月前
I enjoyed your session! I'll try to think in English more. Thank you!
🍭 10ヶ月前
thank you grate time this lesson! I could’t speak english well. but,I would like to tolking english well foreveryone so,I want to more try free tolk convesation very well anyone.
🍭 10ヶ月前
Thanks for today! I just joined LanCul so I’m thinking about how should I make the most. Talking with foreigners reminds me my trip memories. Anyway,I’ll keep learning so far.
❤️ 11ヶ月前
The quiz you gave us was very interesting! Be careful on the way home, it might be crowded with people who went to the fireworks show🎆 I look forward to seeing you again!
🥨 1年前
Thanks again for a fun session☺︎
🥨 1年前
thank you:)
🍭 1年前
Thx! See you soon💃💃💃
🥨 1年前
🥨 1年前
Thank you so much!😊私が分からない時、ワードを変えて違う言葉を使って分かりやすく話してくれたのが凄く良かったです!
🍭 1年前
Thank you so much!!
🥨 1年前
Thank you for a great time! I always appreciate your caring sessions☺️I look forward to seeing you again!
🥨 1年前
🍭 1年前
Thank you ❗️ I hope it goes well everything.
🍭 1年前
Thank you Ant🙏 It was my first time participating and it was fun. I will learn English and try to speak it! See you again✨️
🍪 1年前
Thank you!!!
🍭 1年前
Thank you for today's session! See you soon.
🍭 1年前
🍭 1年前
Thanks for talking me for an hour! I appreciate it and have a good one!
🍭 1年前
🍭 1年前
Having good time to talk with you casually, I hope we can catch up soon!
🍭 1年前
thx always !
🥨 1年前
thank you!
🍭 1年前
🍭 1年前
First Ant session in a long time, you listened so kindly and I really enjoyed it... Thank you 😊
🍪 1年前